What is a Represented Internet Payment Thank You Charge?

Discover is a payment card and credit card network offering financial services. Known for their innovative financial products and customer service offerings, which has helped keep them competitive in the credit card industry. If you see charges such as “Represented Internet Payment Thank You Charge,” that could indicate online payment/transaction fees being assessed against your […]

Why Are There So Many Crypto Currencies?

Cryptocurrencies have emerged as an intriguing trend over recent years, more so due to speculation than actual payments systems. Price swings often result from this speculation and some individuals have made fortunes from it; yet others worry that their rapid rise could undermine traditional financial markets and cause instability. Supply and demand are two major […]

What Is Volatility in Forex Trading?

Volatility is a crucial concept for traders to understand. Volatility measures the degree to which prices fluctuate over a specified time frame, increasing risk, but creating opportunities if used strategically. This article will discuss what causes volatility, how to measure it accurately, and provide some tips for trading volatile markets. Volatility refers to the tendency […]